SissyMmarshas Sissy Daily Journal
SissyMmarshas Sissy Daily Journal March 9, 2025: This sissy wave is extremely strong and over powering my straight side Kram! This sissy wave will continue for a while; the last time it went on for months almost a year of being totally sissified. My sissy cravings growing with every up load of sissy porn into my sissy brain; this is what sissy hypnosis does to you! I am so sissified I love cock I do! I2Love12'' March 8, 2025: My sissy life continues; I slip closer to the edge of never returning to normal what ever, that is. Everyday that I am me,SissyMmarsha, allows me to further develop and cement me into Krams body. He has no defense against my sissy desires they are simply to over powering to much of a sissy Suomi for him to withstand....